Personal data protection

Personal data processing VYROBENÉ NA SLOVENSKU n.o.


pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulation")


pursuant to Article 13 of the Regulation

The protection of your personal data is crucial to us. This information explains how we process your personal data within our non-profit organization and the "Vyrobené na Slovensku" (Made in Slovakia) project, obtained on the website When processing your personal data, the Controller VYROBENÉ NA SLOVENSKU n.o. (MADE IN SLOVAKIA, non-profit organization) having its registered office at Hlavná 15, 831 01 Bratislava, Company reg. No.: 55 068 677, reg. No.: OVVS-194332/592/2022-NO (hereinafter referred to as the "Controller"), in connection with its activity processes personal data for various purposes, especially in the sense of Regulation and Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on personal data protection and amending and supplementing certain Acts. We would also like to inform you about why your personal data is processed, about the way we handle your personal data, about your rights as well as the legal basis for processing your personal data.

1. What categories of personal data do we process?

The Controller processes the following personal data of the Data Subject:
e-mail address,
telephone contact/mobile.

2. Why do we process your personal data?

We process your personal data for the purpose of:
responses to your messages, questions and concerns,
responses to potential requests for the preparation of a non-binding offer for cooperation within the "Vyrobené na Slovensku" project,
keeping records of contractual partners based on contractual relations within the project " Vyrobené na Slovensku".

3. What is the legal basis for processing your personal data?

The processing of personal data is based on:
article 6 par. 1 letter f) of the Regulation, in the event of processing personal data for the purpose of responding to your messages, questions and concerns,
of article 6 par. 1 letter b) of the Regulation, in the event of personal data processing for the purpose of responding to possible requests for the preparation of a non-binding offer for cooperation within the "Vyrobené na Slovensku" project,
of article 6 par. 1 letter b) of the Regulation, in the event of keeping records of contractual partners based on contractual relationships within the "Vyrobené na Slovensku" project.

4. Who is the Data Subject?

Within the above-mentioned purposes of personal data processing, the Data Subject is the person who contacted the Controller via the contact form. The Data Subject is also a contractual partner of the Controller.

5. What legitimate interests do we pursue when processing your personal data?

The processing of personal data is also carried out for the legitimate interests of the Controller. The legitimate interest of the Controller is to contact people back and respond to messages received through the contact form, in order to ensure the quality of service provision and obtain new contractual partners. The Controller's legitimate interest is also contacting the contractual partners by the Controller within the "Vyrobené na Slovensku"project.

6. To whom do we disclose your personal data?

We disclose your personal data only to the extent necessary and always while preserving the confidentiality of the recipient, e.g. to employees of the Controller, or subcontractors of the Controller in the framework of the "Vyrobené na Slovensku" project and persons authorized by the Controller to perform actions related to their activities in the framework of the "Vyrobené na Slovensku" project.

7. To which countries do we transfer your personal data?

We do not intend to transfer your personal data across borders to third countries.

8. How long do we store your personal data?

We store your personal data for the period necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the personal data is processed, but for a maximum period of 30 days if the personal data is processed for the purpose of responding to your messages, questions and concerns.
We store your personal data obtained for the purpose of responding to possible requests for the preparation of a non-binding offer for cooperation within the "Vyrobené na Slovensku"project until the conclusion of the contract or for 1 year from the date of delivery of the request of the Data Subject for the preparation of a cooperation offer.
The Controller processes personal data for the duration of the contractual relationship and 5 years after the termination of the contractual relationship, as long as personal data is processed for the purpose of keeping records of contractual partners based on contractual relationships within the "Vyrobené na Slovensku" project.

9. What rights do you have as the Data Subject?

As the Data Subject, you have the following rights:
the right to access personal data concerning you, within the scope of Article 15 of the Regulation; as the Data Subject, you have the right to obtain confirmation from the Controller as to whether it is processing your personal data and, if so, you have the right to obtain access to this personal data and information in accordance with Article 15 of the Regulation. The Controller shall provide you with a copy of the personal data that is being processed,
the right to rectify incorrect personal data concerning you, within the scope of Article 16 and 19 of the Regulation; The Controller has taken appropriate measures to ensure the accuracy, completeness and up-to-datedness of your personal data. As the Data Subject, you have the right to have the Controller rectify your incorrect personal data or supplement your incomplete personal data without undue delay,
the right to erase personal data concerning you, within the scope of Article 17 and 19 of the Regulation; As the Data Subject, you have the right to obtain from the Controller the erasure of your personal data without undue delay, if certain conditions are met, for instance, if the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which the Controller obtained or processed it. However, this right of yours needs to be assessed individually, as there may be a situation where other circumstances prevent the Controller from erasing personal data (for instance, a legal obligation of the Controller). This means that in this case the Controller will not be able to comply with your request to erase your personal data,
the right to restrict the processing of personal data, within the scope of Article 18 and 19 of the Regulation; You have the right to have the Controller restrict the processing of your personal data. This will be the case, for instance, if you challenge the correctness of personal data or if the processing is illegal and you request a restriction of processing, or if the Controller no longer needs your personal data for processing purposes, but you need them to prove, exercise or defend legal claims. The Controller shall limit the processing of your personal data if you request it,
the right to data portability, within the scope of Article 20 of the Regulation; In certain circumstances, you have the right to transfer personal data to another controller that you designate. Albeit, the right to portability shall only apply to personal data that the Controller processes on the basis of the consent you have granted to the Controller, on the basis of a contract to which you are a party or in the case that the Controller processes personal data by automated means,
the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning you, within the scope of Article 21 of the Regulation; You have the right to object to the processing of personal data, if the Controller processes your personal data based on a legitimate interest. If you file an objection to such processing of personal data, the Controller shall not process your personal data further, unless he proves the necessary legitimate reasons for further processing of your personal data,
the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority, which is the Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic, Hraničná 12, 820 07 Bratislava 27; tel. number: +421 /2/ 3231 3214; mail: within the scope of Article 77 of the Regulation.
You can exercise your rights orally, in writing or electronically, using the contact details of the Controller.

10. Ďalšie informácie

The provision of personal data is a requirement that is necessary for the preparation of an offer for cooperation, in the event of processing personal data for the purpose of responding to possible requests for the development of a non-binding offer for cooperation in the framework of the "Vyrobené na Slovensku" project, and in the event that the Data Subject fails to provide the personal data in question, it will not be possible for the Controller to send the Data Subject a non-binding offer for cooperation within the "Vyrobené na Slovensku" project, or to contact the Contractor's contractual partners within the "Vyrobené na Slovensku" project.
In the processing of personal data by the Controller, there is no automated decision-making, including the profiling referred to in Article 22 para. 1 and 4 of the Regulations.
Should you have any questions, you can contact us via our contact details, by phone at +421 905 758 271 or by email at or by post at our headquarters at Hlavná 15, 831 01 Bratislava.