Innovative saffron farming methods taking root in Slovakia

3 k views / 3 months ago
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Veles Farming's journey began in the Netherlands, where it emerged from an inter-university collaboration aimed at revolutionizing the way food is grown. This approach to agricultural innovation brought the company to Slovakia, where their vision found fertile ground. At Veles Farming, a small indoor area is transformed into a thriving agricultural zone that rivals the capacity of larger traditional outdoor farms.

The growing process combines proven methods with modern techniques, allowing saffron to be grown efficiently even in our local conditions. This blend results in Red Gold Saffron products that set high standards for quality.

Each saffron flower at Veles Farming is cultivated with meticulous attention to detail and quality, using traditional methods enhanced by modern techniques. Hand-picked saffron symbolizes their commitment to excellence, appealing to those who value precision and craftsmanship.


Our mission is to promote Slovak manufacturers and service providers. We show that buying Slovak products makes sense, that they provide quality, a good price and value. We present the essence of Slovak manufacturing through the story of the production process. The main ambition is to help products penetrate other markets abroad.

We use our communication channels and videos to show how products are made and of what kind of quality in Slovakia. In our project, we focus on Slovak quality, competitiveness and the export potential of domestic products. We support a broad spectrum of producers, from iconic favourites like Chrumky and Horalky, through beverages, wine and beer, to innovative products and traditional Slovak products, such as the fujara and bryndza cheese.

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